Friday, February 19, 2010

Summer Koshari - American Indian

Summer Koshari is oil on canvas, 24 x 36
Although the majority of my American Indian paintings are portraits of the Plains Indians, I also love painting the Pueblo Koshari.
They are a Hopi Clown that perform during spring and summer rituals. As a Sacred Clown, they are the keeper of tradition and values. Although their purpose is to amuse, the humor often pokes fun at individuals, leaders and attitudes that seem aberrant to the tribe.
Find out more about Hopi Clowns in the book Clowns of the Hopi: Tradition Keepers and Delight Makers By Barton Wright
This painting is available at K. Henderson Studio



  1. Amazing! I was first introduced to Hopi Clowns in an Anthropology class in college, but I never saw a picture of one until n ow .... Amazing tribute!

  2. Wow, this is wonderful. I enjoy knowing the background of your portraits. Thank you.


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